How to make an exchange on Bestchange? Many inexperienced users do not know how to exchange cryptocurrency for fiat. We’ll tell you in the article.
Now, we propose to take a step-by-step look at how to make an exchange on Bestchange and what difficulties you may encounter.
How to make an exchange on Bestchange: step-by-step instructions
In order to make an exchange on Bestchange, you need to take a few simple steps. For example, you want to change USD Coin TRC20 (USDC) to Cash on
1) You need to go to the Bestchange website and select the asset you want to transfer in the left green column. In our case, this is ” USD “.
2) In the right green column, you need to go a little lower and select the Dollar cash.
3) Immediately after this, a white table will appear on the right side of the screen – this is the list of exchangers. You must choose only from the first five options since they currently have the best rate. Go to the exchanger
4) Next, you need to select an exchanger, go to its website, and fill out the data: the amount of Cash you want to change, your email, name, and number of cards.
Before creating an application, be sure to double-check all the data. After you create an application, they will send you a wallet where you need to send the funds. You only need to send in one payment, the amount you specified during the exchange. If you’re sending from an exchange like Binance, don’t forget that the fee comes from the money you send, so you’ll need to send more funds to account for the fee. For example, in our case, the transaction fee in the USD Coin stablecoin in TRC-20 network is fixed and amounts to $1. If you indicated 300 USD when exchanging, the transfer on the exchange should be 301 USD. However, carefully look at the conditions of different exchanges and wallets. This doesn’t happen everywhere.
After sending, you just need to wait for it to be credited to the wallet!
Exchanging fiat for cryptocurrency
Exchange in the opposite direction occurs in much the same way on aggregator of e-exchangers However, there are a few things you need to consider:
1) You will have to register with the exchanger and verify your card. To do this, you need to follow the instructions of the exchanger. Indicate your card number and take a photo before the exchange site, covering the last digits.
2) The bank may suspend your operation When sending large amounts (more than 100,000). This is something to keep in mind. To avoid this, it is better to call and notify the bank for large transfers. If your transfer is still frozen, you must contact a bank employee and confirm that you did the operation.
However, the true intention of the translation should not be revealed. It is better to take a neutral position, following the example of personal transfer to friends/relatives/debt.